Admission to master programme Biological Chemistry

The prerequisite for admission to a master programme is the completion of an eligible Bachelor or diploma programme (= in the same discipline). Here you will find information on the prerequisites required for admission. If your previous degree programme is considered as a eligible degree programme will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 

Our advice: Thoroughly acquaint yourself about the prerequisites for admission to your chosen master programme at an early stage. Thereby, you have the possibility to fulfil prerequisites during the course of your previous studies, for example by completing specific extension curricula ("Erweiterungscurricula" - EC).

If your degree programme is not listed as example in the Master Access Guide, your application will be checked individually to determine if an admission to the master programme is possible. To do this, you must apply for admission to the degree programme by the relevant deadline. The University of Vienna can only assess the eligibility of your previous degree on the basis of your complete application. Preliminary assessments are not possible.

Master programme Biological Chemistry: Previous degree programmes

1. Completion of a degree programme at the University of Vienna


  • Chemistry (bachelor)

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Biology (bachelor) - specialisation Molecular Biology OR Microbiology and Genetics

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Biology (bachelor) - all other specialisations

    Supplementary examinations:

    • VO Biochemie (Biologische Chemie I) (5 ECTS)
    • VO Organische Chemie I (6 ECTS)
    • PR Biochemisches Praktikum (5 ECTS)
    • PR Chemisches Grundpraktikum I / Präparative Laborübungen (3 ECTS)
    • PR Chemisches Grundpraktikum IIa / Analytische Chemie (3 ECTS)

    Total: 22 ECTS 

  • Nutritional Sciences (bachelor)

    Supplementary examinations:

    • PR Chemisches Grundpraktikum IIb / Organische Chemie (7 ECTS)

    Total: 7 ECTS

    In master Nutritional Sciences the harmonization module Biology has to be chosen.

  • Teacher education - teaching subject Chemistry (bachelor)

    Admission not possible.

  • Teacher education - teaching subject Chemistry (diploma)

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Teacher education - teaching subject Chemistry (master)

    Admission not possible.

  • Pharmacy (bachelor)

    Has to be examined on an individual basis.

  • All other bachelor programs

    Admission not possible.

2. Completion of a degree programme at another university or institution of higher education in Austria


  • Applied Chemistry (bachelor)

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Biochemistry, Chemistry and Biochemistry (bachelor)

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Biology (bachelor) - specialisation Molecular Biology OR Microbiology

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Biology (bachelor) - all other specialisations

    Has to be examined based on an individual basis.

  • Biological Chemistry (bachelor)

    Zulassung ohne Ergänzungsprüfung.

  • Biotechnology (bachelor)

    Has to be examined on an individual basis.

  • Chemistry (bachelor)

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Chemical Engineering (bachelor)

    Has to be examined based on an individual basis.

  • Molecular Biology, Microbiology (bachelor)

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Technical Chemistry, Chemical Technology (bachelor)

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • All other bachelor programs with a minimum of 40 ECTS chemistry and 10 ECTS biology

    Has to be examined on an individual basis.

  • All other bachelor programs without chemical or biological content

    Admission not possible.

3. Completion of a degree programme from an EU/EEA country or Switzerland


  • Applied Chemistry (bachelor)

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Biochemistry, Chemistry and Biochemistry (bachelor)

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Biology (bachelor) - specialisation Molecular Biology OR Microbiology

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Biology (bachelor) - all other specialisations

    Has to be examined on an individual basis.

  • Biological Chemistry (bachelor)

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Biotechnology (bachelor)

    Has to be examined on an individual basis.

  • Chemistry (bachelor)

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Chemical Engineering (bachelor)

    Has to be examined on an individual basis.

  • Molecular Biology, Microbiology (bachelor)

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Technical Chemistry, Chemical Technology (bachelor)

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • All other bachelor programs with a minimum of 40 ECTS chemistry and 10 ECTS biology

    Has to be examined on an individual basis.

  • All other bachelor programs without chemical or biological content

    Admission not possible.

4. Completion of a degree programme from a non-EU/EEA country

The listed degree programmes are valid for all universities or institutions of higher education of the following countries:


  • List of Countries
    • Australia
    • Canada
    • China
    • China (Taiwan)
    • Israel
    • Japan
    • Malaysia
    • New Zealand
    • Republic of Korea
    • Russia
    • Singapore
    • Thailand
    • Türkiye
    • Ukraine
    • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    • USA

    All other countries have to be examined on an individual basis.


  • Applied Chemistry (bachelor)

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Biochemistry, Chemistry and Biochemistry (bachelor)

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Biology (bachelor) - specialisation Molecular Biology OR Microbiology

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Biology (bachelor) - all other specialisations

    Has to be examined on an individual basis.

  • Biological Chemistry (bachelor)

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Biotechnology (bachelor)

    Has to be examined on an individual basis.

  • Chemistry (bachelor)

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Chemical Engineering (bachelor)

    Has to be examined on an individual basis.

  • Molecular Biology, Microbiology (bachelor)

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • Technical Chemistry, Chemical Technology (bachelor)

    Admission without supplementary examinations.

  • All other bachelor programs with a minimum of 40 ECTS chemistry and 10 ECTS biology

    Has to be examined on an individual basis.

  • All other bachelor programs without chemical or biological content

    Admission not possible.