Business Law (Master)
of the University of Vienna & the University of Klagenfurt
© aau / Walter Elsner
The joint master's programme in Business Law offered by the University of Vienna and the University of Klagenfurt offers both a scientifically based and practice-oriented preparation for a legal career. Building on their previous knowledge in the fields of law and business, it provides students with the required key competences for exercising classical legal professions. Students acquire the necessary legal expertise and learn how to apply their knowledge by the proper use of jurisprudential methods. A major focus lies on legal subjects that are particularly relevant in a business environment. The wide range of elective subjects enables students to explore the principles of law and extend their legal competences in business and commercial law.
Courses take place at the University of Vienna and the Universität Klagenfurt. For each location two study semesters are planned.
Master of Laws (LLM)
Degree Programme Code: 066 900
4 semesters / 120 ECTS credits
Language: German
NO entrance examination
Locations: Klagenfurt & Vienna (2 semesters each)
Facts & Figures
- Students: n.a.
- Graduates in the last academic year: n.a.
- Number of semesters needed for graduation (median): n.a.
Data updated on: 03.12.2024
Instruction Language German
Please note that the instruction language of this programme is German. To start the degree programme, you need to hold a certificate of German proficiency on C1 level.
Admission Procedure
Admission procedure at the University of Klagenfurt
The admission at the University of Vienna is done by means of a co-registration, for which no application is needed.
After admission to the University of Klagenfurt, you need to gain „Access to the IT-Services" at the University of Vienna.
Information on Previous Studies:
In any case eligible degree programmes:
Study Programme
Compulsory subjects of the degree programme (69 ECTS): civil procedural law, international law, criminal law and criminal procedural law, fundamental rights, family law, inheritance law, administrative procedural law as well as civil law and private business law.
Students have to pass restricted electives to an extent of 24 ECTS. From the combination of elective subjects I, students can choose from the following thematic areas: procurement law, private-law aspects of corporate succession, banking law, capital market law, specific issues in the field of tax law (advanced course), law concerning business creation, social security and contribution obligations, intellectual property right as well as specific issues in the field of commercial law. From the combination of elective subjects II, students can choose from the following courses to an extent of 8 ECTS credits: Principles of Law, Capacity Building in Business Studies and/or Capacity Building in Other Fields of Knowledge Related to Law. At least 4 ECTS credits must be completed in the course Principles of Law.
These courses must be partly completed at the University of Klagenfurt.
Students must choose free elective subjects of 6 ECTS credits in total.
To complete the programme, students have to write a master’s thesis in a specific thematic field of business law. The master's thesis comprises 20 ECTS credits; the master’s examination 1 ECTS credit.
Five Concepts
which you will deal with during your studies:
- Fundamental Rights
- International Law
- Civil Law
- Family Law
- Criminal Law
... and many more.
Overview of the programme structure & topics
Here you find the current offer of courses for this programme to gain better insight into the topics and structure. For more information please click on the respective level.
After Graduation
The master's programme in Business Law enables graduates of the bachelor's programme Business and Law of the University of Klagenfurt to get access to classical legal professions such as
- notary
- lawyer
- judge or
- prosecutor.
Apart from these, graduates are qualified for academic top positions in the private sector, in public service and for pursuing advanced university studies, i.e. a doctoral programme in Law.
Graduates' Perspective on the Degree Programme
Graduates ...
- find employment immediately after graduation on average.
- earn an average of € 3,545 (women) and € 3,834 (men) gross per month within three years after graduation.
- work full time at a percentage of 91% (women) and 97% (men) within three years after graduation.
*You can find further information on career entry and career paths in the tracking of graduates "Business, Administration and Law".