Admission to a non-degree programme (= attending the VWU) for master programmes

Admission to a non-degree programme (= attending the VWU) is only possible if you have applied for admission to a master programme and the supplementary examination in German is prescribed in your admission letter. Your admission letter also provides details, for which level of German you have to complete the supplementary examination. The required level of German for master programmes with German as the language of instruction is C1.

The admission procedure, application and admission period and required documents depend on your citizenship, university degree certificate, and the master programme of your choice.

The Preparation Programme is an offer of the universities in Vienna. Submit your complete application for admission at the beginning of the application period, to make sure to not miss the registration deadline of the VWU. You do not have any legal entitlement for a place in the VWU. The number of available places in the VWU is limited. The University of Vienna does not have any influence on the allocation of places. 


Three deadlines are important for your admission at the University of Vienna and your registration at the VWU:

  1. Application period of the University of Vienna
    You have to submit your application in u:space within this period.
    Note: The master programme in Psychology has a separate application period!
  2. Registration period of the VWU
    You can register at the VWU within this period. Further information is available at the VWU.
  3. Admission period of the University of Vienna
    You can be admitted to a non-degree programme (= attending the VWU) within this period. The same period applies for the transfer to a degree programme.

Master programmes without selection procedure

Do you want to study a master programme without selection procedure? Have you uploaded all required documents in u:space, applied for admission and received your admission letter?

If the supplementary examination in German is prescribed in your admission letter, proceed as follows:

  1. Register at the VWU.
    Information on course registration, registration periods and costs is available at the VWU.
  2. Book an appointment for the online first-time admission at the Admission Office.
    As your identity has to be verified during admission, you need to complete this step in person. Representation by a third party is not possible.
    Further information on booking an online appointment
  3. You will be preliminarily admitted as a non-degree student.
    While being admitted as a non-degree student (= attending the VWU), you are not allowed to start your degree programme and are only authorised to complete the supplementary examination at the VWU. After the online appointment, you will receive an e-mail with your student ID number and information on further steps.
  4. Pay the Students’ Union fee.
    The admission procedure is complete when the prescribed fee is received in u:space > Financial matters > Tuition/Students’ Union fee. Only after this is the case, you can download your student documents (student record sheet and confirmation of enrolment) in u:space > Personal matters > My documents. Please note that the bank transfer may take up to seven working days.

Master programme (with entrance exam procedure) in Psychology

Amongst all master programmes with selection procedure, the supplementary examination in German is only prescribed for the master programme in Psychology. German language proficiency does not have to be proven for any other master programme with selection procedure.

If the supplementary examination in German is prescribed in your admission letter for the master programme in Psychology, proceed as follows:

  1. Register at the VWU.
    Information on course registration, registration periods and costs is available at the VWU.
  2. Book an appointment for the online first-time admission at the Admission Office.
    As your identity has to be verified during admission, you need to complete this step in person. Representation by a third party is not possible.
    Further information on booking an appointment
  3. You will be preliminarily admitted as a non-degree student.
    While being admitted as a non-degree student (= attending the VWU), you are not allowed to start your degree programme and are only authorised to complete the supplementary examination at the VWU. After the online appointment, you will receive an e-mail with your matriculation number and information on further steps.
  4. Pay the Students’ Union fee.
    The admission procedure is complete when the prescribed fee is received in u:space > Financial matters > Tuition/Students’ Union fee. Only after this is the case, you can download your student documents (student record sheet and confirmation of enrolment) in u:space > Personal matters > My documents. Please note that the bank transfer may take up to seven working days.

After you have successfully completed the supplementary examination in German at the VWU, you have to participate in the written entrance exam of the master programme in Psychology.

Information on participating in the entrance exam after completing the supplementary examination

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

 Search FAQ:


  • The registration period of the VWU is almost over and I have not received my admission letter yet. Can my application be processed faster?

    Applications for admission to a degree programme are processed chronologically according to their date of submission. The Admission Office cannot give individual applications preferential treatment due to organisational reasons. Submit your complete application as early as possible within the application period and take the required time for the individual steps of the admission procedure into account.

    We cannot guarantee, that you can already start courses at the VWU in the semester you apply for admission.

  • How long does it take until I receive my admission letter?

    It may take multiple weeks until you receive your admission letter, as the Admission Office has to process a high number of applications. Your admission letter will be sent to the e-mail address you provided in u:space. You can also find it in u:space > Personal matters > My documents

  • Which supplementary examinations do I have to complete in the VWU? How much time do I have to do so?

    The supplementary examination in German may be prescribed to you, if you apply for a master programme taught in German.

    You have a maximum of four semesters to complete the supplementary examination.

  • I have to participate in the entrance exam procedure for my master programme in Psychology. When and how do I register for it?

    The entrance exam procedure for the master programme in Psychology takes place once per year. A successful participation is valid for the following winter and summer semester. You can find further information and steps on our website regarding the completion of the VWU.

  • Can I start courses at the VWU in the semester I applied for admission?

    We cannot guarantee this. Apply for admission early on with complete documents and take the required time for the individual steps of the admission procedure into account.

    You can also start courses at the VWU in a later semester, provided that the degree programme is still offered under the same conditions at the University of Vienna.

  • I am in Austria now. Can I register at the VWU at any time?

    No. The VWU has separate registration periods. These are always before the beginning of the semester. Inform yourself early on about the next registration periods, especially if you need a residence permit.

  • I have received an admission letter, where the supplementary examination in German is prescribed. Do I have to pass the supplementary examination in German, if I provide a certificate of German at level C1 during the online first-time admission?

    Your C1 certificate can only be accepted, if it is specified in the list of recognised proofs of German language proficiency at level C1. If this is the case, the supplementary examination will be cancelled during the online first-time admission.

    A later cancellation, e.g. after you have already registered at the VWU, is not possible.

  • I discontinued the VWU. Can I resume my studies at the VWU? Do I have to apply for admission again to do so?

    The resumption of studies is only possible, if you visited the VWU for less than four semesters.

    If you still want to be admitted to the same degree programme, you can resume your studies at the VWU with your old admission letter. You do not have to apply for admission again.

    Message us via the contact form, if you have lost your admission letter, or if you need a new confirmation for the VWU. Attach a scan of your passport of personal ID card to your message.

    If you want to study a different degree programme, you need a new admission letter. Apply for admission to the desired degree programme as early as possible during the application period.

  • I have lost my admission letter. Where can I get a copy?

    You can download your admission letter at any time in u:space at Personal matters > My documents. If you do not have access to u:space anymore, we can issue a copy. Message us via the contact form, and attach a scan of your passport or personal ID card, if this is the case.