Students attending the VWU (Fortsetzer*innen)

From your second semester in the VWU onwards, you are a so-called „Fortsetzer*in“ (continuing student). To re-enrol on your non-degree programme, you have to pay the course fee at the VWU as well as the Students’ Union fee at the University of Vienna.

You can attend the VWU for a maximum of four semesters. It is also possible to complete it in a shorter timeframe.

If you have any questions regarding courses and supplementary exams, please contact the VWU directly.

What do I have to pay?

As long as you are attending courses at the VWU, you have to pay two separate fees.

  • the course fee of the VWU and
  • the Students’ Union fee.

You have to re-enrol as a non-degree student at the beginning of every semester.

How can I pay?

  1. First, pay the course fee to re-enrol at the VWU. Information regarding this topic is available at the VWU.
  2. Wait for a few days. The University of Vienna is informed about your payment by the VWU.
  3. Subsequently, the required Students’ Union fee is prescribed. If you do not find any payment information in u:space (Financial matters > Tuition fee/Students’ Union fee), you still have to wait.
  4. After paying the Students’ Union fee, wait for a few days until the prescribed fee is displayed as "received" in u:space. This may take up to seven working days. Afterwards, your student documents (student record sheet and confirmation of enrolment) are available for download in u:space (Personal matters > My documents), and you are re-enrolled as non-degree student.

 Our recommendation

Pay the course fee and the Students’ Union fee as early as possible. To download your study documents in u:space (Personal matters > My documents), your Students’ Union fee has to be received by the University of Vienna. Authorities demand your student documents to extend your residence permit.

Detailed information regarding the payment of the Students’ Union fee

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)


  • Where can I find my student ID number? Where can I find my student record sheet and confirmation of enrolment?

    You receive your student ID number, after the online first-time admission via e-mail. You can also find it on your student record sheet and confirmation of enrolment (= your study documents) and your u:card.

    You can find your study documents in u:space > Personal matters > My documents, once the Students' Union fee has been received.

    • Detailed information regarding the payment of the Students' Union fee
  • I have already paid the VWU course fee for the upcoming semester, but I cannot find the option to pay the Students' Union fee in u:space. What can I do?

    If you have paid the course fee at the VWU, the VWU will inform the University of Vienna about your payment. This may take several days. Only then you can pay the Students‘ Union fee.

    If your payment was further in the past, please contact us via the Servicedesk and attach the proof of your payment to your message.

  • I need a fifth semester at the VWU. How does it work?

    Please contact the directorate of the VWU in this regard.

  • I want to take a leave of absence. What can I do?

    Inform yourself about the consequences of a leave of absence and clarify all issues regarding your residence permit at the responsible office (MA 35 or district commission) before you apply for leave of absence.

    Detailed information regarding the leave of absence