Incoming students with disabilities
Incoming students with disabilities
Incoming students (e.g. on an ERASMUS+ programme) with disabilities can find information in the FAQ listed below and get counselling provided by the "Accessible Studying team (Team Barrierefrei)".
Accessible Studying team
The disability advisory service of the University of Vienna is called Team Barrierefrei (Accessible Studying team). The Accessible Studying team offers information and support concerning barrier-free and accessible studying. They provide assistance with all kinds of questions concerning studying with disabilities, impairments and/or chronic illnesses.
Members of the "Accessible Studying team" offer counselling in person, via telephone, via chat- and via e-mail during the opening hours.
Contact us in advance
If you are interested in studying at the University of Vienna and need information about accessible studying, please contact the Accessible Studying team in advance. They can offer you support in:
- exam adaptations or alternative modes of assessment
- evidence of disability
- information and counselling
- support and technical equipment
- legal framework
FAQ for incoming students with disabilities
Is there a disability advisory service?
The disability advisory service of the University of Vienna is called "Accessible Studying team" (Team Barrierefrei). They offer information and support concerning barrier-free and accessible studying. They provide assistance with all kinds of questions concerning studying with disabilities, impairments and/or chronic illnesses.
Where do I find housing in Vienna? Can I live "on campus"?
The Accessible Studying team is not responsible for questions concerning living in Vienna or studying in general. The University of Vienna does not offer support regarding student housing and there are no housing opportunities at university premises. Furthermore, it is important to know that there is not "one campus". The University of Vienna is located in more than 70 different buildings throughout Vienna. Depending on your degree programme, you will have courses in different locations.
Students of the University of Vienna have to search for housing independently. You might find it helpful to search for student housing online (using the German keywords: “Studierendenheim” or “Studentenheim”). We recommend that you check if housing is accessible for you, even if accessibility is mentioned on websites.
- For incoming Erasmus+ students, the “Oead” provides information on housing.
- The International Office offers information and links on studying and living in Vienna, including information on public transport and (accessible) accommodation.
- There is no medical support in university facilities. The International Office provides further information.
What financial support is available?
Depending on the length of your stay and exchange programme, students with disabilities or a chronic illness can apply for remission of tuition fees. Furthermore, there is a scholarship for students with disabilities and financial support for mobility and orientation trainings at the University for blind and visually impaired students.
Erasmus+ students can apply for financial aid. You have to submit your application before the beginning of your student exchange.
What evidence of disability/medical certificate do I need?
You can submit documents in English or German language. Please check with the Accessible Studying team if you would like to submit your documents in any other language. Furthermore, certificates should focus on concrete difficulties or required support measures, rather than provide diagnoses in medical terminology.
Gibt es Unterstützung für schwerhörige oder gehörlose Studierende?
GESTU bietet Unterstützung durch Gebärdensprachdolmetscher*innen, Schriftdolmetscher*innen oder Unterstützung Studierender für Mitschriften.
Is personal assistance available?
The University of Vienna does not offer personal assistance. For cases where state-funded personal assistance is not available or insufficient, the Accessible Studying team coordinates a project called “ISU”. As part of this project, students enrolled in a teacher education programme provide support to students with disabilities or chronic illnesses. You have to apply in advance. Please check the deadline or contact the Accessible Studying team.
Is there accessible transportation around the University?
The University of Vienna is not located on a university campus. Courses take place at many different university locations throughout Vienna. You might have to access different buildings and use public transport to reach them. Vienna has a well-developed public transport network. Almost all busses, trains and stations are wheelchair-accessible, but some of the trams are not. You will find tactile guidance orientation in and around many of the stations and stops. Most sidewalks are barrier-free. If you prefer cycling, Vienna is a bike-friendly city. Please note that tickets for public transport are not included in tuition fees.
Information about public transport
What is the Austrian National Union of Students?
You can also contact the accessibility department of the Austrian National Union of Students (“Österreichische HochschülerInnenschaft – ÖH”), which is elected by students studying in Austria. They represent the interests of students and provide services for Austrian and international students, peer support, and networking opportunities to meet and connect with other students.
Unfortunately, only parts of the ÖH homepage are available in English, but they do offer counselling in English:
- Austrian National Union of Students (University of Vienna)
- Austrian National Union of Students (national level)